
6 NEW IN Elf XS, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE 1000904 Elf includes: top, trousers and hat Elf Dress XS, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE 1000905 Elf Dress includes: dress and hat (tights not included) Elf 3-4YRS, 5-6YRS, 7-8YRS, 9-10YRS 1000903 Elf includes: top, tousers and hat Elf Dress 3-4YRS, 5-6YRS, 7-8YRS, 9-10YRS 1000902 Elf Dress includes: dress and hat (leggings not included) Santa 3-4YRS, 5-6YRS, 7-8YRS, 9-10YRS 1002022 Santa includes: top, trousers, belt, hat and beard Santa SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE 1000920 Santa includes: top, trousers, belt, hat and beard